August 2022

The Modern World Healthy Drink: What is Green Tea & 9 Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a popular drink in many countries and used in Asia for centuries to treat various ailments. The tea leaves are processed right after picking and can be enjoyed in many different forms. One of the most popular is green tea, which has been researched to have various benefits, from boosting your energy levels to enhancing your immune system. Keep reading for the nine benefits you’ll experience if you make a habit of drinking green tea!

How much L-Theanine in Tea? The Science of the Perfect Cup of Tea

how much L-Theanine in Tea. In recent years, there has been a resurgence in the popularity of tea drinking due to the health benefits it offers. But what are some of the differences between types of tea? What is L-Theanine, and what is its purpose? L-Theanine is a naturally-occurring amino acid found in green and black teas, which some studies have shown can offer various health benefits. Learn more about this fascinating chemical compound!